After thinking about and coming to a creative halt with the development of my ideas in terms of still life fashion photography, I have decided to change the theme of my images. I want to explore the pressure that young girls have to grow up, and how they act older than we expect them to even though they have that pressure on them. I want to do this through symbols that represent the contrast between young and old. For example, a child’s paintbrush in a makeup pot, a cupcake rapper used as a means of fashion in a magazine, or a loveheart sweet set on fire.

These ideas were inspired when my mums friend found messages on her daughters phone, and she was shocked that her 14 year old had grown up so fast. Also, by my little sister who has started wearing makeup and dying her hair.

I feel as though I can move forward and experiment with my ideas more with this concept, using the studio and in some cases the scanner to create my images, as layering cupcake rappers and magazines will be more effective in the scanner than in the studio.